KLD Steam Generator -Low Water Content,Unique Coil Design,Bottom Mounted Burner,Multiple Safe-Guards
NO chances of Steam Explosion and Long Service Life.
The water content of KLD steam generator is about 1 / 15 ~ 1 / 20 of that of conventional water and fire tube boilers with the same capacity.
The pressure tolerance of KLD steam generator is nearly 10 times higher than that of traditional fire tube boiler. Even if a leak is formed in the coil, the reverse shear force on the wall of the coil can reduce the flow speed of high temperature steam - water in other parts of the coil, which cannot cause the water explosion.
There are no fillet weld in KLD steam generator.
KLD steam generator adopts the bottom mounted burner system, even if the combustion control system fails, there will be no accumulation of combustible gas in the furnace and flue, and there is no deflagration risk.
Comparing to natural circulation boilers (vertical water tube or firetube), KLD Steam Generators have a huge advantage in terms of flue gas heat loss, operation heat lost, blowdown heat loss, water and stack scaling control, as well as overall efficiency. The result is a wopping 10%-30% actual cost saving for our end users.